Peter’s Favorites: Potter Hill Farm. August 5, 2011.

Potter Hill Farm is located in Grafton, Mass and provides Grass-fed Beef CSA. Potter Hill Farm is a local favorite with its fresh vegetables and beef. Click here for more details or read below. Happy eating! … [Read more...]

21-Day Sprint! Join NOW! August 4, 2011.

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Food for Thought. August 3, 2011.

"If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself." -Eubie Blake (February 7, 1887 - February 12, 1983) was an American composer, lyricist, and pianist of ragtime, jazz, and popular music … [Read more...]

Turkey-Lentil Chili (Serves Twelve)

Ingredients: 2 Cups Dry Lentils 2 Quarts Vegetable Broth 2 Tablespoons Extra-Virgin Olive Oil 4 Cloves Garlic, Minced 1 Large Onion, Chopped 2 Stalks Celery, Chopped 1 Pound Turkey Sausage 2 Tomatoes, Peeled, Seeded and Chopped 1 Teaspoon Ground Tumeric 1 Teaspoon Ground Cumin 1/2 Teaspoon Dried Thyme Leaves 1 Pinch Crushed Red Pepper Flakes Sea Salt to Taste 1 (8 … [Read more...]

A Memory Tonic for the Aging Brain. August 1, 2011.

I stumbled across this recent study from John Hopkins University and the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California, Irvine, that I found really interesting. Here are a few quotes from the study: "The hippocampus (is) a larger portion of the brain known to be involved with learning and thinking." "Older volunteers, ages 60 to 80, . . . showed far less … [Read more...]

June Calendar

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Referral Rewards

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Assess Your Fitness Level. July 28, 2011.

Testing your overall fitness level is easy and can be done without using any special equipment or machines. Three simple tests that will help you assess your fitness level all by yourself are: Weight:  The first and most obvious test of your health and fitness level is your total body weight. Being underweight and overweight both indicate poor health and fitness levels, with the latter taking … [Read more...]

Burn Fat Fast With This Exercise! July 27, 2011.

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Somatopause. Somato WHAT?

Growing up I was a very skinny, little kid. I gave my parents a hard time at dinner. I never tried new foods. I think I only ate peanut butter, cereal and cucumbers. That all changed in my teens. All of a sudden there wasn’t enough food in the universe. I ate everything and anything until it was gone. I was going through a giant growth spurt, gaining muscle, and getting taller while playing … [Read more...]

My Work Out for Maximum Fat Loss. July 26, 2011.

1) For Fat Loss: The easiest way to see how effective body-weight training can be is to monitor fat loss. With the appropriate workout, BW training will turn stubborn fat into lean muscle. Due to the extremely versatile nature of body-weight training, it is exceptionally easy to move seamlessly from one exercise to another. Also, it is simple to adjust the intensity of the exercise with … [Read more...]

Are Government Guidelines Making Us Really Fat? What Do You Think? July 25, 2011.

I was doing research for my latest Federal Hill Gazette article (Chick it out in our 'Articles' section) and I found this article by Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD. The title alone intrigued me. Cassandra's approach is friendly yet blunt. She is not afraid to criticize the Government's latest attempts at fixing our diets. Here is her article: … [Read more...]

Pork Tenderloin alla Napoli (Serves Six)

Ingredients: 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil 2 (3/4 Pound) Pork Tenderloins 2 Roma (Plum) Tomatoes, Seeded and Chopped 1/4 Cup Chopped Green Olives 1/4 Cup Dry White Wine 1 Teaspoon Chopped Fresh Rosemary 2 Cloves Garlic, Minced 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 1/4 Teaspoon Pepper 1/2 Cup Heavy Cream … [Read more...]

Non-GMO Shopping Guide

"Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM) of food involves the laboratory process of artificially inserting genes into the DNA of food crops or animals. The result is called a genetically modified organism or GMO. GMOs can be engineered with genes from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, or even humans. Most Americans say they would not eat GMOs if labeled, but unlike most other … [Read more...]

Altered Wheat May Pose a Risk

A recent study from Switzerland tracks some abnormal effects in genetically engineered wheat. According to the data, the wheat grew normally in a greenhouse environment. Under these same conditions, the wheat also had better resistance to various fungal diseases that pose significant threats to the crop. But when the wheat was introduced to changing environmental conditions, the metabolism of the … [Read more...]

Everything You Need to Know About Fiber. July 21, 2011.

Fiber is the part of food that is not digested by the human body. It is found in various plant foods, such as fruits, leaves, stalks and the outer coverings of grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. Fiber is important in our diet because it helps reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, improves the body's handling of glucose and insulin. Fiber is very important to the health of the digestive … [Read more...]

Did You Know . . . ? July 20, 2011.

"A study from Skidmore College found that exercisers who combined cardio with a high-intensity, total-body resistance routing lose more than twice as much body fat - including twice as much belly fat - over 12 weeks as those who followed a moderate-intensity cardio plan." Click here for the full article. … [Read more...]

Could Your Kids Intelligence be Impacted by Exercise? July 19, 2011.

I recently read an article written by Gretchen Reynolds titled "The Fittest Brains:  How Exercising Affects Kids' Intelligence." Needless to say, I was intrigued. Reynolds discusses a number of studies that conclude that aerobic exercise may actually enlarge some key portions of an adolescent's brain. Specifically, researchers studied the hippocampus and the basal ganglia, both responsible for … [Read more...]

Ways to Help You Count. July 18, 2011.

Study after study proves that calories matter. In order to lose weight, we need to exercise AND watch what we eat. A number of calorie-counters have popped up recently in order to make this once tedious chore a whole lot … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. July 15, 2011.

"If you can count on one person, let it be yourself." -Unknown … [Read more...]

What is the Perfect Rest Interval Between Sets? July 14, 2011.

The answer is:  there is no perfect rest interval between sets. The intensity of the exercise and your fitness level will determine how long you should rest before repeating the set. Generally, the heavier the weight you are lifting the longer the recovery or rest interval. There are two energy systems at play when doing resistance training. There is your anaerobic, glycogen-fueled, energy system … [Read more...]

Stretching (A 5-Minute Video). July 13, 2011.

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What Are You Really Hungry For? July 12, 2011.

I am trying to lose a few pounds. It is no secret:  I exercise regularly but sometimes slip up with my eating habits. At times, I find myself eating for the sake of it:  I am bored, tired or upset. My worst offense comes during a good Baseball game. I can sit on my couch with a snack intending to only 'eat a few.' Three innings later I have finished my chips and I am still looking for more. Why do … [Read more...]

The Low-Down on Protein.

The Low Down on Protein Category : Nutrition printable version recommend article exclude article 1. Protein is essential for muscle development as well as being a source of 22 amino acids which are necessary for the production of enzymes and hormones in the body. 2. How much protein you do need every day? The Institute of … [Read more...]

Honey Mustard Grilled Chicken (Serves Four)

Ingredients: 4 Skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 1/3 Cup Dijon mustard 1/4 Cup honey 2 Tablespoons mayonnaise 1 Teaspoon steak sauce … [Read more...]

“Devil”-ed Eggs or Something More? July 11, 2011.

I was reading a popular nutrition book today that bashed eggs. Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin's famous book Skinny Bitch says the following: "If you really believe that eating 'just egg whites' isn't fattening, we've got a bridge we can sell ya. Eggs are high in saturated fat and are completely disgusting" (Page 62). Perturbed - and perhaps very disheartened (I eat a two-egg omelet … [Read more...]

Is Barefoot Really Better? July 6, 2011.

We are starting to see every major sport shoe manufacturer producing and advertising de-constructed shoes. After decades of innovation, improvement and inspiration utilizing every new bit of technology available all in the quest of making the most supportive, cushioned, shock absorbing shoe possible every shoe company now has a "barefoot" shoe. What's going on? Should we dig out our old Converse … [Read more...]

Is Frozen Yogurt Healthier Than Ice Cream? July 5,2011.

Yesterday, I was craving ice cream. I needed the perfect dessert to finish off my Independence Day cheeseburger. When I mentioned my dire need for sweets, my house guest suggested frozen yogurt as a "healthier" alternative. But, my nameless guest did not stop there:  she continued to pull up an article touting how "healthy" frozen yogurt was. Can I now eat frozen yogurt every day? I had my … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. July 1, 2011.

Happy Fourth of July! With our 7th week of the Your Best Body Challenge rolling into the long weekend, it is time to start becoming AGGRESSIVE. Be in it to win; fight for your personal goals.     "Failure is not an option." -Unknown … [Read more...]

First Yoga. June 30, 2011.

Yesterday I took my first yoga class ever. It was great! I am not the most flexible guy and my left knee is perpetually swollen like an over-sized melon, so I was not expecting too much success with yoga. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I was able to do. Now my poses didn't look very much like the ones our instructor, Brandy, was demonstrating, but she was supportive, calm and gave us … [Read more...]