Weight Watchers (TM) Ham & Guacamole Sandwiches

Ingredients: 2 oz Weight Watchers Reduced Fat Cream Cheese Spread, softened 1 Tablespoon Honey Mustard 1/2 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Black Pepper 8 Slices 45 Calorie Whole Wheat Bread (toasted, if desired) 4 Leafy Green Lettuce Leaves 8 Medium Tomato Slices 12 Slices Ultra Thin, Lower Sodium, Honey Ham Slices 6 Tablespoons Prepared Guacamole Dash Crushed Red Pepper Flakes … [Read more...]

Did You Know . . . ? June 29, 2011.

Sumo wrestlers are not divided by weight class. In order to win, sumo wrestlers must use both intense training and copious eating habits. The heavier the wrestler is, the better. A sumo wrestler will eat about 8,000 kilcalories a day. In order to increase fat, sumo wrestlers do NOT eat breakfast. This slows down their metabolism and promotes weight gain. For more information check out Monami … [Read more...]

Laugh for Health (and You). June 28, 2011.

Every morning I skim through CNN's headline news articles to maintain some knowledge of the outside world. This morning's streaming updates left my usual bowl of oatmeal look a little grayer than normal. Words like 'despair,' 'protest' and 'unrest' ruled the main posts. Although largely removed from the strikes in Greece or the turmoil in the Arab world, I could not help but feel uneasy with the … [Read more...]

Food For Your Abs. June 27, 2011.

The key to weight-loss is replacing foods that are unhealthy for you with lower-calorie, nutrient-rich foods. Instead of starving yourself thin, eating these healthy alternatives will make you feel full without the additional fat and calories. This means that weight loss, alongside an active lifestyle, can be both realistic and manageable with a few, simple changes. Emily G. W. Chau's article … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. June 24, 2011.

"Regret for wasted time is more wasted time." -Mason Cooley   … [Read more...]

Is High-Fructose Corn Syrup Dangerous? June 23, 2011.

I found this study from Princeton University. It is called "A Sweet Problem:  Princeton Researchers Find that High-Fructose Corn Syrup Prompts Considerably More Weight Gain" by Hilary Parker. Click here to read the rest of the article or read below for highlights: "In the 40 years since the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup as a cost-effective sweetener in the American diet, rates of … [Read more...]

Tabata Workout. June 22, 2011.

The Tabata workout is an intense cardio workout designed to burn fat quickly. Its simplicity is key:  interval training, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. It is essential, however, to go a maximum intensity at the "On" intervals. Check out the video below to get a glimpse of the workout or check out this website for a more detailed explanation. … [Read more...]

Spine Stabilization Series

Click HERE for That Gym Guy's complete, how-to guide to protecting and stabilizing your spine. Use this step-by-step manual to strengthen and align. Stay Strong and Healthy, Peter Holmes President That Gym Guy Personal Training and Fitness … [Read more...]

Long and Slow or Short and Quick?

Which method of exercise do you think works best for fat loss? Conventional wisdom has been telling us for years to get in the “fat burning zone” to lose weight. “The body burns more fat at lower intensity levels.” “Go for long, slow walks to burn fat.” Well, I’m here to tell you if you go for nice, long, slow walks all you are going to do is see a lot of scenery. You sure won’t burn a lot … [Read more...]

The “10-20” Rule and the Ice Water Diet. June 21, 2011.

This excerpt comes from Dr. Brian Wansink's book Mindless Eating:  Why We Eat More Than We Think.  Wansink writes: "In every beverage study we conduct, people underestimate the calories they drink - usually by about 30 percent. It doesn't matter whether it's soft drinks, milk, juice, or wine, although fountain machines pose the biggest danger. My lab developed a '10-20' rule of thumb for … [Read more...]

How Much Salt Should I Consume Each Day? June 20, 2011.

The American Heart Association recommendation is that salt intake should not exceed 1500 mg of sodium daily. Table salt is NaCl, sodium chloride. Sodium, potassium and chloride are electrolytes. An electrolyte is an ion that is required by the body to regulate the electric charge and flow of water between the cells and the bloodstream. Sodium is the body's main extracellular cation. A cation … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. June 17, 2011.

Happy Friday! Our dose of inspiration for Week #5 of Your Best Body Challenge is about pushing through challenges. As we near closer to the halfway mark for our challenge, evaluate where you are and where you want to be in the next six weeks. Then, take action! Remember, every goal will have some struggle attached. See you Saturday! "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." -Unknown … [Read more...]

Stale Popcorn and Weak Willpower. June 16, 2011.

When my boys were young I frequently found myself at the dinner table polishing off the remnants of dinner they left on their plates. And then that last scoop of mashed potatoes still in the bowl somehow exerted a mystical, hypnotic pull compelling me to finish it off. It was hopeless to resist, I was under the power of an evil voodoo mashed potato spell. At least that is how I explained my … [Read more...]

Jack Lalanne. June 15, 2011.

 Jack Lalanne is called "the godfather of fitness." This forward-thinking, fitness guru preached the importance of diet and exercise leading America into a fitness craze. He opened one of the first gyms in the United States and ran a 36-year exercise television program. In fact, doctors warned against Lalanne's methods preaching that "Lalanne was an exercise 'nut,' whose programs would make … [Read more...]

Abs Class. June 14, 2011.

Do you want six-pack abs? Follow the advice of trainer Kurt Brungardt's book The Complete Book of Abs. Brungardt offers systematic workouts designed to get your abs strong and tight. Here are a few of his workouts: Area One:  The Lower Abs. Exercise:  Seated Knee Raises Starting Position: Sit on the edge of a bench or chair holding on to the back or side of the bench for support, … [Read more...]

Artichoke and Sun-dried Tomato Chicken (Serves Four)

Ingredients: 4 Skinless, boneless chicken breast halves Salt and Pepper to taste 2 Teaspoons olive oil 1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes with green peppers and onions 1/4 Cup sun-dried tomato pesto 1 (14 ounce) Can artichoke hearts in water, drained and quartered … [Read more...]

Are Workout Gadgets Worth It?

You’ve been exploring the latest releases on the workout gadget market and you have to admit you are impressed. Some of these items have every bell and whistle imaginable. While they are neat and trendy, you can’t help but wonder if they are worth the expense. So, are they? … [Read more...]

Stuck At A Weight Loss Plateau? Bust Through It!

When you started your weight loss routine, you knew it would be a process. After all, you didn’t gain the weight overnight. You couldn’t have expected it to come off that fast. Unfortunately, you’ve hit a bump in the road and your motivation level is starting to wane. How can you get past a weight loss plateau to see the results you really want? First off, don’t give up! You can bust through … [Read more...]

How Do You Lose Fat? June 13, 2011.

Our weight is constantly fluctuating, mostly due to hydration. During any given day, we can fluctuate 3 to 5 pounds, morning to evening from water-weight alone. So, how do you lose the FAT? What we do know is that fat is added on in layers called subcutaneous layers. You can compare these layers to an onion. As you begin to gain fat, you will put on weight in different areas. When you lose … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. June 10, 2011.

In honor of the Stanley Cup Finals, this inspirational speech is our Friday motivation. Play it before our Saturday morning workout at India Point Park and be ready to work hard!   "It's never too late to become what you might have been."  - George Elliot … [Read more...]

How Do I Relieve Post-Workout Aches? June 9, 2011.

Doing strenuous exercise or unaccustomed exercise is when we usually experience Doms. We use to think this was caused by a buildup of lactic acid in the muscle. We now know that next day muscle soreness is caused by damage to the muscle fibers themselves. Scientists can tell how much muscle damage has occurred by measuring blood levels of a muscle enzyme called CPK. CPK is normally found in … [Read more...]

Did You Know . . . ? June 7, 2011.

Slow, concentric lifting depletes more muscle glycogen than fast-paced lifting. When you deplete glycogen during resistance training, you build up the lactic acid levels in your blood. Increased lactic acid levels cause increases in growth hormones, powerful fat burning hormones. In sum:  lift slowly to burn more fat. Stay Strong and Healthy, Peter Holmes … [Read more...]

Should I Take My Vitamins? June 6, 2011.

I am frequently asked about vitamins and whether they are worth taking or not. After all, do they really work? Vitamins are micro nutrients that act as catalysts for enzymatic reactions in our body necessary for life. So, they are important. You should be able to get all or most of what you need from the food that you eat. Unfortunately, we don't always eat completely balanced meals every … [Read more...]

My Fitness Pal

MyFitnessPal.com is a free, online calorie counter that lets you keep track of your daily caloric intake. Studies prove that diet journals are effective in losing weight by encouraging portion control and accountability. MyFitnessPal.com is different in that it also takes into account your daily exercise. Whether or not you are actively working out, try tracking your daily calories each day for … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. June 3, 2011.

"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game-winning shot . . . and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's precisely why I succeed." -Michael Jordan, NBA player … [Read more...]

Buy Local, Buy Fresh, Buy Often. June 2, 2011.

Less nutrients will remain in food the longer it sits on a shelf, in a package or in a truck. The nutrient quality of food is directly related to how long it hangs around before it is consumed. Buying as much of your food as possible from local farmers makes sense on a lot of levels. It supports the local economy, your food is fresher, it tastes better and it has a higher nutritional … [Read more...]

How To Do the Perfect Push Up. June 1, 2011.

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Yoga Podcasts

The Yoga Journal offers a free, daily subscription to their yoga podcasts. This means every day you have a new 20 minute workout designed to stretch and strengthen your core. Incorporate this podcast into your daily routine and you will see a noticeable difference in just a few weeks! … [Read more...]

Is Breakfast Important? What Should I Eat? May 31, 2011.

Most of us have a tough time with breakfast. We either eat a horrible nutritionally weak, sugar-laden, processed-carbohydrate, fat-promoting mess or nothing at all. Typical excuses for these breakfast choices are:  "I don't have enough time," "I'm not hungry in the morning," or "I just do coffee (with fat-free creamer and artificial sweeteners) to get me going." What's wrong with this picture? … [Read more...]

Spicy Honey Mustard Pork Roast (Serves Six)

Ingredients: 3 pounds pork roast 1/4 cup honey 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons black pepper 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed 1/2 teaspoon salt … [Read more...]