Twelve weeks ago, I couldn’t zip it up all the way. When I tried it on the other night, it zipped up easily.

“At the beginning, I hung a dress on the outside of my closet that has been unworn for over two years as a goal outfit and reminder of why I am working so hard. Twelve weeks ago, I couldn’t zip it up all the way. When I tried it on the other night, it zipped up easily. I took huge reward in the zip. That was a measurable accomplishment culled from my weeks of good work.” Stacie P., Librarian … [Read more...]

I am now 43 years old and am in better shape now than I was when I was 33!

"My name is Mark Blyth and I am a professor at Brown University. Prior to joining Brown in 2009, I was a Professor at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. The problem with being a Professor is that you spend and entire career not moving about. You sit behind desks, or rummaging through archives, cleaning data and the like. And after 15 years of this you end up looking like this: As you … [Read more...]

Peter has really improved my overall core fitness while reducing my body fat index!

"Peter Holmes has been my personal trainer for over three years and I recommend him highly. Our workouts are tough but fun and Peter has really improved my overall core fitness while reducing my body fat index. Peter and I are the same age so he knows what it takes to keep both of us fit. Peter is also super flexible when it comes to scheduling, which is helpful as I travel a lot. I actually look … [Read more...]

If I can do it, anyone can!

"About 3 years ago, I was playing a game on the Wii with my 3 year-old nephew-the challenge-essentially jumping rope.  After just 4 jumps I was winded and it was a wake up call…being winded at age 41, meant I really needed to get off the couch, especially if I wanted to be able to keep up with my nephew.  I started working out at the gym.  After about a year and a half, I felt that I’d maxed out … [Read more...]

I recommend Peter’s services to anyone looking for assistance and improvements in their workouts!

"Peter “That Gym Guy” Holmes has made a huge difference in my physical wellness. I have met with many personal trainers in the past but Peter surpasses them all. His knowledge, patience and devotion made me feel comfortable and excited about our workouts. He has also been extremely helpful on a daily basis around the gym. I recommend Peter’s services to anyone looking for assistance and … [Read more...]

Al Perez is by far one of the most skilled and effective personal trainers I have encountered!

"Al Perez is by far one of the most skilled and effective personal trainers I have encountered. He expertly tailors work out programs designed specifically for his clients’ personal needs, including designing a program that can be followed despite whatever injuries one might be encountering at the time.  I have been working with Al for nearly two years and my body is trimmer and more toned than … [Read more...]

I’ve been truly amazed at the strength gains I’ve made while working with Peter!

"I started training with Peter Holmes three years ago after I suffered a serious injury to my right arm that I was told was going to limit my ability to lift or carry anything over 20 pounds. Three months of physical therapy failed to improve my condition. Then I started with Peter who strengthened not only my injured arm but my entire body. My improved strength and conditioning has enhanced every … [Read more...]

The Top 3 Things to AVOID at Restaurants to Stay Lean and Healthy. September 30, 2011.

By Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer I've been traveling a lot for business in the last year, and I've noticed that most people totally fall off their fitness routines while traveling . . . In fact, eating out at restaurants frequently is one of the biggest reasons why so many people fatten up while traveling.  It's almost damn near impossible to eat … [Read more...]

The Two Worst Foods for Your Weight. September 29, 2011.

For people trying to lose weight, here's the good news:  Nutrition researchers have scoped out the enemy. And these two foods are the top waistline assassins: potato chips and soda. Everyone knows to cut back on junk food. But in a recent, large study examining what foods were most associated with weight gain, potato chips and sweetened drinks stood out as the ultimate arch villains. Not All … [Read more...]

There is NO Substitute for Effort.

Did you exercise today? How about yesterday? What are you doing tomorrow? Do not confuse physical activity with exercise. The most important thing for your health and well being is to move your body. Yes, every little bit helps but exercise requires effort, planning and purpose. If you stop moving, you start dying.                 Your physical capability to accomplish a task diminishes in … [Read more...]

Spicy Grilled Shrimp. (Serves Six)

Ingredients: 1 Large Garlic Clove 1 Tablespoon Coarse Salt 1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper 1 Teaspoon Paprika 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil 2 Teaspoons Lemon Juice 2 Pounds Large Shrimp, Peeled and Deveined 8 Wedges Lemon, for Garnish … [Read more...]

Take Control of Your Cholesterol! September 28, 2011.

Did you know that one in three American adults has high cholesterol? High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart disease, and one of the best ways to reduce your risk is to lower total cholesterol as well as LDL ("bad") cholesterol. To lower cholesterol, the NIH recommends eating less saturated fat and cholesterol, exercise, losing weight, eating more soluble fiber and consuming … [Read more...]

How Does Fat Affect You? September 26, 2011.

I found this article while I was going through some of my old documents. I think the visual alone tells you everything you need to know:  extra fat will kill you. Below, is the article. (I have re-written the tabs so you can read them better.) Remember:  exercise and a healthy diet will keep you healthy and feeling younger. If you need help never hesitate to call me at 401-228-7400 or email me at … [Read more...]

Fitness and Yoga. Does it work? September 20, 2011.

I found this article "Fitness Experts Say Yoga Leads to Better Balance, But Won't Burn Calories." Here are a few clips of what a recent study had to say . . . One study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise found that while yoga increased muscular strength and endurance, along with flexibility and balance, it led to no significant improvement in aerobic capacity. Professor John … [Read more...]

Boost Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat with this Natural Supplement . . . September 19, 2011.

We all know how tough dieting can be. And if it was not tough enough, dieting gets even harder as you age. That is because your resting energy expenditure decreases significantly as you get older. Simply put, you burn less calories on a daily basis than your younger counterparts. The good news is new research shows that a very unlikely supplement can naturally "boost" you resting metabolic rate … [Read more...]

Grilled Pork Chops with Fresh Nectarine Salsa. (Serves Four)

Ingredients 2 Nectarines, Pitted and Diced 1 Ripe Tomato, Seeded and Diced 1/4 Cup Diced Onion 2 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Cilantro 2 Tablespoons Fresh Lime Juice 1/4 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper Flakes (Salt to taste.) 1 Teaspoon Ground Cumin 1 Teaspoon Chili Powder Salt and Ground Black Pepper to Taste 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil 8 (4 Ounce) Boneless Pork Loin Chops … [Read more...]

400m Training vs McDonalds. September 12, 2011.

I found this great article by Latif Thomas, a USATF Level II, USTFCCCA Event Specialist (Sprints, Hurdles & Relays). His article reiterates what I have been telling my athletic clients for years:  train fast, race fast. For the complete article click here. Below, here is a little bit of Thomas' wisdom: "Giving volumes of aerobic work and slow repeats to 400m runners is the equivalent of … [Read more...]

That Gym Guy Food Rules

Eating Rules 1. Eat less more often 2. Eat lean protein 3. Reduce/Eliminate sugar 4. Increase fiber and water 5. Choose the healthiest option 6. Reduce consumption of red meat 7. Eat whole foods – minimal processing 8. Plan what you eat – eat what you plan 9. Whenever possible eat fresh versus processed 10. Only eat single ingredient foods That Gym Guy Weight Loss Rules 1. Never skip … [Read more...]

Tricep Workout! August 30, 2011.

My clients are always asking me to get rid of their jiggly, flabby arms. The best way to do this is to do tricep exercises. Check out this video for various tricep exercises you can do based on your ability. Remember:  use your brain and be safe! Listen to your body! … [Read more...]

If You Are in Pain, Congratulations! You Have a Brain!

Many of us suffer from annoying, chronic and sometimes debilitating pain when we try to move. It may be your knee, shoulder or back that restricts your movements and drives you to consume bottle after bottle of ibuprofen or aspirin. You have tried stretching, exercise, physical therapy, heat, cold, crèmes, ointments, supplements; nothing seems to help for very long. What’s going on? Why can’t we … [Read more...]

5 Signs of Alzheimer’s That Sometimes Show up Before Memory Loss. August 25, 2011.

By Paula Spencer Scott, Memory loss is the symptom everybody worried about Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia seems to focus on. After all, it's distressing -- and increasingly obvious. Yet there are other common symptoms of Alzheimer's or dementia that can turn up even earlier, researchers say. Sometimes, according to memory experts, even doctors miss early dementia … [Read more...]

Marinated Wild Salmon (Serves Four)

Ingredients: 4 Salmon Fillets Salt and pepper to taste 1 Tablespoon onion powder 1 Teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1/4 Cup olive oil 1/4 Cup fresh lemon juice 4 Cloves garlic, minced 3 Tablespoons white balsamic vinegar 2 Tablespoons chopped green onions 2 Tablespoons chopped cilantro 2 Tablespoons white sugar … [Read more...]

Let’s Move!

The Let's Move! Campaign focuses on getting America's youth moving. The website provides the basics in Nutrition, Eating Healthy and How To Get Active. My favorite part of the site is the "Take Action" link. Whether you are a parent, a kid, a chef, a school official or just want to get involved Let's Move! provides a coherent, step-by-step outline on what you can do to make a difference. Check out … [Read more...] gives you the tools necessary to plot out walks or jogs in your area. The simple tools are easy-to-use and efficient. I can map runs and discover new routes from the safety and comfort from my living room. Check it out here. … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. August 19, 2011.

Our first week of our $21 for 21 Day Program is wrapping up. Congratulations to the 17 Boot Campers this morning! Keep up the good work. Here is a little weekend motivation to keep you going. See you Monday! Stay Strong and Healthy, Peter Holmes … [Read more...]

3 Sleep Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For. August 18, 2011.

By RealAge We might spend one-third of our lives doing it, yet some of us still aren't terribly clear how it works. We're talking about sleeping. Here are three sleep myths you should wake up about: 1. "I can make up for sleep loss on the weekends." Many of us skimp on sleep during the workweek, only to indulge in long lie-ins on the weekend. But, unfortunately, sleep debt isn't so easily … [Read more...]

Should All Obese People Lose Weight? August 16, 2011.

Body Mass Index has been widely accepted as a measurement tool to ascertain if you are overweight or obese and as a general marker for overall health. Unfortunately, BMI does not tell the whole tale. By an conventional medical test, blood pressure, heart rate, body fat percentage, VO2 max, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc., I am ridiculously healthy. Except for BMI. My BMI places me in the overweight … [Read more...]

Friday Inspiration. August 12, 2011.

"For no matter what your ability is effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment." -Carol Dweck … [Read more...]

Do Diet Sodas Make People Gain Weight? August 11, 2011.

I used to be an avid Diet Coke drinker. I drank it regularly often patting myself on the back for finding a zero-calorie 'healthier' soda. (I could get my caffeine fix AND not gain weight! I was yards ahead of those Regular Coke drinkers!) Soon, however, I noticed I was hooked. If I did not have my Diet Coke at lunch I got antsy. In a short time, I grew dependent on my soda. When I noticed, I … [Read more...]

How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Your Quick Weight Loss? August 9, 2011.

All too often I see clients who are overweight and do not know why. Once I start talking to them, their high-pressure,high-stress lifestyle seems to inhibit them from making healthy food decisions. Oftentimes, they are 'rushing' from meeting to meeting and must make (or so it seems) snap judgments on what to eat. When I ask them what their sleep schedule looks like, many will roll their eyes - and … [Read more...]