Interval Training For Fat Loss

If you’re tired of the same old, same old with your exercise routine, why not shake things up a bit? Interval training can provide just the boost you need to increase calorie and fat burning while making exercise fun again. Interval training involves short bursts of intense activity coupled with periods of lighter exertion. If you normally jog, for example, you can do so with a twist. Jog for a … [Read more...]

Barilla Whole Grain Linguine with Roasted Peppers

Ingredients: 1 box Barilla Whole Grain Linguine 2 red bell peppers 2 yellow bell peppers 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove, chopped Salt, to taste Black pepper, to taste 1 tablespoon parsley 1/2 cup, grated Parmesan cheese … [Read more...]

Penne With Shrimp (Serves Two)

Ingredients: 1/4 (16 ounce) package penne pasta 1-1/2 teaspoons olive oil 1 tablespoon chopped red onion 3/4 teaspoon chopped garlic 1 tablespoon white wine 1/2 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes 1/4 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese … [Read more...]

Tips For Toning Up And Gaining Muscle

Losing weight and losing fat are similar, but they do have some distinctions. When you’re shooting for the latter, toning up and building muscle is one of the most helpful things to do. Learning how to build muscle, however, is not exactly as easy as it sounds. Most trainers will tell you an approach that involves both diet and exercise is the best. Muscle mass is extremely useful for fat loss … [Read more...]

Healthy Sounding Foods May Not Be As Healthy As You Think

When you’re trying to lose weight and get into shape, picking the right foods is essential for reaching your goals. Unfortunately, the prospect is not as easy as it sounds and it can be downright confusing. It sure doesn’t help that many foods that sound healthy turn out to be nothing more than junk. If you’re fed up with hidden surprises in the foods you eat and want to see real results with … [Read more...]

Summer Tomato Salad (Serves Two)

Ingredients: 2/3 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 2/3 cup yellow pear tomatoes, halved 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon chopped green onions 1/3 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon chopped cilantro Freshly ground black pepper to taste Ground red pepper to taste Salt to taste … [Read more...]

“I’ve been truly amazed at the strength gains I’ve made…”

"I started training with Peter Holmes three years ago after I suffered a serious injury to my right arm that I was told was going to limit my ability to lift or carry anything over 20 pounds. Three months of physical therapy failed to improve my condition. Then I started with Peter who strengthened not only my injured arm but my entire body. My improved strength and conditioning has enhanced every … [Read more...]

“Peter “That Gym Guy” Holmes has made a huge difference in my physical wellness.”

"Peter “That Gym Guy” Holmes has made a huge difference in my physical wellness. I have met with many personal trainers in the past but Peter surpasses them all. His knowledge, patience and devotion made me feel comfortable and excited about our workouts. He has also been extremely helpful on a daily basis around the gym. I recommend Peter’s services to anyone looking for assistance and … [Read more...]

“Peter has really improved my overall core fitness while reducing my body fat index.”

"Peter Holmes has been my personal trainer for over three years and I recommend him highly. Our workouts are tough but fun and Peter has really improved my overall core fitness while reducing my body fat index. Peter and I are the same age so he knows what it takes to keep both of us fit. Peter is also super flexible when it comes to scheduling, which is helpful as I travel a lot. I actually look … [Read more...]

10 Best Foods for Your Heart

Simple food choices go a long way when it comes to your heart's health. Focusing on fresh foods full of heart-healthy fats and antioxidants can decrease your risk of developing heart disease and cut your chances of a heart attack. These 10 foods will help keep your ticker in top shape.   Oatmeal Start your day with a steaming bowl of oats, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids, … [Read more...]

Be The Healthy Role Model For Your Family

Childhood obesity, underage drinking, smoking and failure to exercise are all concerns for parents these days. If you want your kids to adopt a healthier, wiser lifestyle, you are going to have to show them the light. Children often learn best by example. Lead and they will likely follow. How can you set the example and get them off on the right foot if your habits aren’t that great? Consider … [Read more...]

Vanilla Spice Oatmeal

Ingredients: 3 1/2 cups water 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional 2 cups old-fashioned oats 1/2 cup raisins 1/2 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped, optional 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch nutmeg 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar, plus more, to taste 1 cup low-fat milk, divided 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon … [Read more...]

“45 Pounds Lighter and More Energy…”

"I am honored to write this for the guys and girls working at "The Studio".  You all have completely changed my life.  I am 45 pounds lighter and have tons more energy.  Before I became a member I was always tired and cranky.  I never had any energy and life was just dull.  I had no idea that working out and eating well could so drastically change my mood.  I wanted to say thank you for all … [Read more...]

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What Is Your Favorite Post-Workout Meal?

We all know it's best to have a healthy snack after working out. Studies have shown that eating a small meal of protein and healthy carbs helps increase the benefits of your workout and speeds up the fat loss process. So what's your favorite post workout meal? Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite healthy after-workout snack. … [Read more...]

Today, this month, this season!

"Al is simply the best trainer. He really knows his stuff. Leans in and listens. Figures out what you need. Today, this month, this season. Mixes it up. Adds in diet and holistic advice along the way. Somehow makes it all fun. Works wonders. He will get you there" Karen Lynch … [Read more...]