For Elizabeth Ruiz, getting in shape was a national, public undertaking. The 32-year-old entered the high-pressure, competitive arena of weight loss via the television show “The Biggest Loser,” in which candidates compete against each other for weight loss and fitness gains. What many people don’t realize is that the contestants take a three-month break from filming to pursue weight loss and fitness improvements before returning to TV. The show’s producers find experts to work with the contestants to manage this time off. Elizabeth worked out with a team that included master trainer, Adalberto Perez. Elizabeth’s regimen was laser-focused on cardio exercises that would encourage weight loss and prepare her for a marathon which she would run at the end of the show. Al and Elizabeth’s routine included boxing, interval training and running and varied during their daily workouts. Elizabeth found Al’s ability to motivate her and get her into the right mindset to be extremely pivotal to reaching her goals. By the end of their time together, Elizabeth had lost 30 pounds, gained stamina, and had reached the fitness level she needed to compete in the marathon.
Elizabeth Ruiz, Biggest Loser 10 contestant