How Much Water Should I Drink? May 25, 2011.

The answer depends on how big you are, what you are doing and what you are eating. A simple formula to follow that should ensure proper hydration is to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of filtered water each day. An average sized man of about 170 pounds and performing moderate non-athletic activities requires about 80 ounces of water per day to match his water loss. Your food … [Read more...]

Workout #1. May 24, 2011.

This Saturday (May 21st) marked the kick-off to our Your Best Body Challenge. We gathered at India Point Park for a morning of group fitness and exercise. Check out some of the photos from our workout and join us this coming Saturday for Week #2 of the Challenge. Great work out there guys! … [Read more...]

What Should I Eat After My Workout? May 23, 2011.

A post workout recovery meal is important to reload fluids and nutrients lost and used during your workout. Current research recommends re-feeding within 30 to 60 minutes following a quality workout. This is when insulin sensitivity is at its highest and nutrient uptake into muscle is optimized. A protein, carbohydrate meal with little or no fat is BEST. Timing your snack or meal to coincide … [Read more...]

Orientation. May 21, 2011.

Hi! Welcome to the Day #1 of the Your Best Body Challenge. Before we start working out, I want to thank you for your support and charity in helping That Gym Guy raise money for the March of Dimes Foundation. With your help, we can help those who need it most. Thank you! That said, are you READY!? The Your Best Body Challenge is a twelve-week program designed to motivate you and your friends … [Read more...]

What Is Your Favorite Post-Workout Meal?

We all know it's best to have a healthy snack after working out. Studies have shown that eating a small meal of protein and healthy carbs helps increase the benefits of your workout and speeds up the fat loss process. So what's your favorite post workout meal? Leave a comment below and tell us your favorite healthy after-workout snack. … [Read more...]